Bottled Wisdom

We have decided to create a new series of videos which we are calling Bottled Wisdom.  It is a series of short videos, around 5 minutes long, each one tackling a specific single issue.  It will be a distillation of the Bottled Up program in an easily accessible format.  The detail can be found in the actual program in the member’s section.

Getting to the end of your ability to cope always feels scary but, paradoxically, this is often the very place new solutions begin to take shape.  Do not despair of life itself but maybe despair of some of the ways you do life.

What you focus on tends to fill your mind. If you spend all your time looking at your problem drinker the issue will appear even larger than it is. Take your eyes off him/her today and decide to change your life even if its just a little step.

(That little step may just be looking at what you can do rather than what he isn’t)!

If you want to find out more or you would like more help and support you can join Bottled Up for free.  Just click on the links below.

Bottled Up for Drinkers

Bottled Up for Families

3 Replies to “Bottled Wisdom”

  1. Once again, Thank you so much for all you both do! This is so excellent for someone like me. I have dyslexia and it is not very easy for me to read. To have the videos and so short and concise makes it so easy for me to understand. I can also go back and listen to it again if I need to.
    You have truly chanced my life in so many ways.
    There is not a day that goes by that I don’t use something that you have shared with me. A Million Thank Yous!

    1. Thank you for these great bite sized videos. Something I can revisit over and over. He went on a binge last night and I was very angry and upset this morning until I remembered the 4 Ps. Thank you!

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