I’m Listening

This is the second video in this short series about 1 to 1 with John.  In the series Lou interviews John about his sessions and asks him about the most common issues that arise. In this video John discusses the most common issue of all, that people just need to talk, to share what is … Read More >

1 to 1 with John Introduction

We have started a new series of videos.  This new series of videos sees Lou interviewing John about some of the issues that he meets in 1 to 1 sessions. This first video is the Introduction to the series. Read More >

Why Ultimatums Don’t Work

Reached breaking point again with your alcoholic and ready to give the ultimatum, DON’T- here’s why, Stop drinking or else …  This is a phrase that has been, and continues to be, repeated in millions of households throughout the world. 

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