Welcome to Bottled Up!
This website provides help and interactive tools to help an alcoholic or problem drinker. But, what makes Bottled Up unique is that it also provides a separate area for families where you can get the help and support that you need.
Help for Families
Are you looking for:-
Reliable information to decide if s/he is an alcoholic
Information to help you understand why your drinker behaves like that?
Guidance about how you can help your drinker?
Advice on how you can help yourself and your family?
Access to help and support 24/7
Complete confidentiality
Help for Drinkers
Are you looking for:-
A dependable assessment tool for alcohol problems
A self-help approach that does not require you say “I’m … and I’m an alcoholic.”
A place that provides options, not just abstinence
Help that can be accessed wherever and whenever you need it
To find out more about what Bottled Up can do for you, click on the relevant button.
The 4 Week Intervention Course is Now Open to Join
Reliable information to help you help your family.
Living with Alcoholism
If you live with a problem drinker you know how difficult it is to get reliable information on how to help an alcoholic. We have created an ebook – Living with Alcoholism – to help. It is full of tried and tested information and tips to help you to cope and make a start at changing your situation.
And best of all it is FREE. Just pop your email address into the form opposite and you will receive an email immediately with download instructions.
Do you prefer a book?
If you would rather access your help in the form of a book that you can hold in your hand we have two books you might like. We have – Bottled Up: How to survive Living with a Problem Drinker – for the families of drinkers. And for the drinkers we have – First Steps out of Problem Drinking.