Most people who live with an alcoholic become very secretive. They seldom talk to others about their issues. Not exactly surprising when you consider the shame and stigma they feel at having an alcoholic for a husband, wife, father, sister. Also, not surprising since the standard advice tends to be leave him, throw her out. What the advisors don’t tend to understand is that you love this person, that you want to spend more time in her/his company – just not when they have been drinking.
Hopefully, you have found that you can open up and discuss more of your issues in Bottled Up and in particular the Mentoring Community (MC). The people who make up this group have all experienced similar issues, disappointments and problems that you have. They understand the dilemma and that helps. We all need to feel that we are heard and can share our issues in a safe space.
But, sometimes you might feel the need of talking to someone who is a bit more of an expert, someone who is not going through the same things but has a more dispassionate view. For that reason we wanted to make 1 to 1 sessions part of the MC, for anyone who wanted to speak to us. To make it easier for you, we decided to reduce the price from the usual £50 to £25, ie half price. That way you can be a member of the MC and still have a 1 to 1 session for less than a normal 1 to 1 session would cost (£20 membership + £25 for 1 to 1 = £45 vs £50 for 1 to 1). Since we are unsure what the demand will be for 1 to 1 sessions, initially we will limit these sessions to one per month.
To Book a 1 to 1 Session
Go to the following link 1 to 1 with John
Scroll down to the calendar.
Choose the date that suits you
Click on the best time for you
Click on Continue
Complete the form
To get the discount just type in MENTORSHIP where it asks for coupon. This will reduce the price to £25.
Pay by Paypal or Credit Card
When you submit you will receive a confirmation email.