“Controlled drinking means just that, the drinking is now controlled. It means that there are certain rules and regulations surrounding drinking.”
Controlled Drinking
Many people, when addressing a drink problem, feel that controlled drinking is the easiest and best option. This opinion is usually one that is held without really having any idea what controlled drinking entails. Often people who have chosen a controlled drinking option believed that somehow controlled drinking will allow them to continue to enjoy the drinking but allow them to drink in safety. While that is true for some, others feel that the restrictions are such that trying to maintain control means the drinking is no longer any fun.
Controlled drinking means just that, the drinking is now controlled. It means that there are certain rules and regulations surrounding drinking. These rules can be rules that you have set yourself or you can adopt the recommendations put forward by doctors and other therapists working in alcohol field. Whichever you choose, it now means that you are drinking a set amount in a set time, for example. It may mean that you drink no more than three drinks on any given occasion and drink no more than three or four days a week.
For some who’ve been drinking, considerable amounts for effect, these restrictions may mean that they no longer enjoy drinking. Therefore, many of them, instead of continuing with controlled drinking, will opt instead for abstinence, which they find easier.
The next pages will clarify some of the issues involved and help you decide whether this goal is for you and, if it is, what goals and rules you should set.